Posts Tagged ‘eligion


Prepared for Preparation

     Here, in the good ol’ DFW, we’ve been talking a lot about preparation.  I struggle, significantly, with the whole concept of preparation; and have been thinking about where that disconnect is.  I value the art of preparation, and I know my fellow Expert Mentor Hosts do, as well.  However, I’ve seen, in myself and others, a tendency to resist the act of preparation.  Why do we do this?  I talked, a little bit, about this in my entry, yesterday.  One possibility is that we believe we are too smart, too talented to bother with such mundane practices as preparation.  Maybe it’s about a lack of confidence.  I have, often, avoided things that made me feel insecure, or any situation that   might leave me too vulnerable.  As I’ve said, before… I do not like to be exposed.  Or, perhaps, it goes back to the same, recurring theme that I see everywhere I look.  We, as a society, have an unconscionable sense of entitlement.  I  believe that, for most of us, the reason for our resistance is one of three possible causes: arrogance, avoidance, or entitlement.  This theory is accompanied by, both, good news and bad.  The good news is that all three of these causes are one hundred percent fixable.  I’m sorry.  I hate to say “fixable.”  It implies that we need someone to fix us, but we are responsible for “fixing” ourselves.  The bad news is that, sadly, the process of overcoming any of the three underlying causes of our resistance will be uncomfortable, possibly painful, but will, without a doubt, suck… a lot.  For me, all three conditions are part of my resistance to preparation.  I am arrogant, I do practice avoidance, and I, definitely, have problems with entitlement.  The best way for me to correct my thinking is to grit my teeth, and push through the pain.  I have a very high pain tolerance(figuratively and literally).  It’s not, really, the best way; but it’s the best way for me… Bare in mind that I am NOT a licenced psychologist.  For anyone else, I might suggest recognizing a cause of resistance, isolating it, and addressing the problem, head on.  Now that I think of it… I should follow my own advice. 

     In any case, I have to remember that my mission isn’t about me.  Actually, it takes a lot of the pressure off.  It’s not my mission.  It’s His mission.  So, I can’t blow it.  He isn’t weak, afraid, arrogant, or a screw up.  So, that leaves me with one, very simple, responsibility.  I will give my best effort, and I’ll trust God for the rest.  After that, none of my personal junk is pertinent.  It doesn’t slow me down for a second.  I am a tool…. wait… I am an instrument, through which, He can accomplish whatever tasks He sees fit.  This makes it easier for me to prepare myself for all the little things, and all the big things, he has in store for me.  My shortcomings will not stop the mission.

May 2024